Senior Military Official:
"Here's what I think," said a senior military official. "I think somewhere up in the mountains in Chitral, Bin Laden lives in a house and lives with a family, and probably one bodyguard.
"And once every month, or probably once every two months, he walks 15 miles to another ruin somewhere where he meets with somebody, and then he walks back 15 miles. He doesn't have an HF modem, he doesn't have a satellite TV, DVD, he probably doesn't have any kind of radio."
"And that's probably the life he leads," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Start searching chitral+bin+laden to see what you can find.
He'd obviously seen Farenhiet 911 before delivering his Kerry campaign commercial just before the election.
"Bin Laden lives in a house and lives with a family"
this is exactly what Bodansky has been saying for months - that he lives as part of a regular family, there is no security detail around him that would make him easy to spot. that all his communications are done by courier.