That's a very deep subject! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Half of the military believes they need more armor (personal and vehicle).
About 1/5 will 'go as far as' complaining to command constantly to get it.
About 1/200 would 'go as far as' 'dissing' a higher-up in public.
About 1/10000 would 'go as far as' 'dissing' the Sec. of Defense in public in front of National Media (and thus terrorists too)
The reporter just 'sought out' someone he knew within the company would would 'go that far'.
I'm sure many more DO believe they need more armor, but the numbers who would think its worthwhile to announce weakness and give comfort to the enemy (even if it IS a valid and reasonable question) in public is most likely FAR fewer.
Its that 'rare' variable where the reporter comes in, finding and setting up and bringing the soldier, complaint, Q&A session and a face to face with the Sec. of Defense.