Bless you guys for bringing this up - We no longer have the industrial base to produce something that would have taken a weeks production in the old America.
We have lost our real strength - notthe army but our manufacturng base.
Look, I am a young guy - were are those old conservative Americans we can turn to to tell us the truth? I don't find them in any party.
Destro, if you hunt around a site like FR, you'll find much wisdom and truth. Just today, "OXEN" and I have told an important truth about the Rumsfeld story. And it's a crucial aspect of the story that the media won't tell you because they have only two agendas:
The first agenda for everyone in the media is to make money. Their product is information woven into stories. The way the garner attention for their product is to use sensationalism.
The second agenda for most, but not all in the media, is to promote Leftist ideology and causes.
So, whenever the media fly off into one of their furious tizzies about ANY story, the wise consumer of news immediately responds with a healthy skepticism and a wait-and-see attitude.
Worse, America has no industrial platform to support new innovations in such areas as metallurgy. With the steel industry virtually wiped out, the technological base with which to advance into new metals and compounds that will be *the new industries of tomorrow* and essential for military superiority is gone too. Thus, America will have to turn to foreign suppliers for its needs.
This is where our short-sighted trade policies have put the future prosperity and security of America
Right up the Creek.