And they would have to pay a fine for that law breaking, which cleans the slate and opens the way for a guest worker program and also puts those who legitimately want to be an honest guest worker above ground.The slate is cleaned when they go home. Most Americans see it that way, and that's why the President is in for a brutal fight. Americans don't want to legalize illegal aliens, and there are many options, such as that proposed by Tancredo, that meet our labor needs with a guest worker program that doesn't reward illegal aliens.
The slate is cleaned when they go home. Most Americans see it that way, and that's why the President is in for a brutal fight. Americans don't want to legalize illegal aliens, and there are many options, such as that proposed by Tancredo, that meet our labor needs with a guest worker program that doesn't reward illegal aliens Paying a fine and applying for a guest worker program is not legalization or citizenship.
Sorry to burst your bubble.