Kweisi Mfume, whose Christian name is Frizzell Grey, took a respected organization and made it be the Black mouth-piece of the radical left section of the Democrat Party.
I would love to see the NAACP pull back from the abyss and become a respected organization again.
But it will never happen. To do so would mean becoming "uppity" with their Democrat masters. The NAACP will always put the Democrat Party above the issues of Black America.
They will never talk about how Blacks make up 12% of the US population and account for nearly 40% of all abortion. To do so would go against the "abortion at anytime, anyplace as long as you feel like it" policies of the Democrat Party.
They will never talk about improving inner schools with school choice, charter schools, firing of bad teachers, school accountability and having school monies actually go into improving schools. To do so would go against the "support the unions no matter what and support higher union wages at all costs" policies of the Democrat Party.
They will never talk about supporting traditional marriage and values because that would go against the "gays get anything they want because they give the big bucks" polices if the Democrat Party.
The NAACP used to be a strong counterweight to the radical and racist organizations of the Black Panthers, the Black Muslims, and similar Black extremist groups.
Now they are indistinguishable.
And as Hispanics and Asians continue to grow at faster rates than Black America, the NAACP will become just as irrelevant.
Wow, you type fast.
I think Bond is shown to be the culprit in the article, however.
For all these reasons and more the African-American vote is becoming more irrelevant.
As the Step-n-Fetchits of the Democratic party, they have virtually no influence on the Republican administrations who have proved time and again they can win without the black vote.
And the Democrats also treat them with disdain (except for mouthing pious platitudes)leaving them out of the inner counsels of the party and without any rewards for their loyalty.
The 'leaders' like Bonds, Jackson, and Sharpton have sold them out for a mess of pottage.