Pin hole perferations of the ear drum used to be quite popular - apparently this guy is not up on the art of dodging military service.
I wonder what the heck this guy thought he would be doing for a living in the Freakin' Navy...
By the way - Message To the Wife (who supports him 1000%): Don't have any children. The first time he has to stay up with a sick child, he may discover that he just isn't cut out for Fatherhood either...
pin hole perfs arent disqualifing except for certain carear paths (divers, submariners....)then you would just laterally transfer in most cases. drugs would land you in the brig for 4-6 months for use then a discharge unless... the judge/jury realises you are wanting to make some sort of statement then you get slammed and get a few years. the easiest way is to visually attempt a suicide and be taken down by MAs. After a brief hospital stay you would be shuffled right out, unless, again they could prove that you were intentionally trying to get out by faking it (ala Klinger) then you are back in the brig. most of the time the navy doesnt want a sailor to be there as much as that sailor. you just have to be smarter than this kid.