Thank you Nov3 :-) And of course to Neverdem as well.
Its 4.30 am here, and I'm too tired to concentrate, but I'll be back to look at that article, and if I don't have it will be really grateful to 'copy' it over to my website.
I've GOT to go to sleep now... or I'll fall over on the keyboard :-)
You're also welcome to get any information you don't have from my site if you need it.
I'm going offline now, but will come back to read that last message tomorrow. Thanks again :)
I saw this drug dramatically affect two people close to me in the early to mid nineties- more if you include the people murdered by one of them. Prozac was mothers milk in everyone's eyes then. I saw the doctors reaction to the agitation side effects in one of them. (An immediate diagnosis of bipolar type II, upping of the SSRI dose, additon of Tegretol with the intent to try others and the final addition of lithium. This to someone who a few weeks before was mildly depressed. Was told by the preening bastard that this person was mentally ill and doomed to a life of misery if she wasn't treated properly. That person is stable and well without drugs now.) As a result I started studying this drug class and was horrified by what I saw.
I am pretty hands off as far as business goes but the Pharmaceutical Industry and especially the marketing side is out of control and doctors don't seem to be able to think independently on this issue.
P.s take a w out of your address!