Nuke Falluja!
fallugjah ti's WAY over
time to DO mosul.
this time starting from 40 thousand feet.
we know what to target...
the ammo storage areas... aka... mosques and school buildings.
do it after dark so that the slammies can't say we tried to kill little terrorists, I mean kids.
something like 65 percent of all mosques in flatujah were used for storage. we need to show the slammies that ole allah ain't a god.
insurgent armories are not protected under the rules of war.
flatten mosul, starting with the mosques we reasonably suspect of having arms inside. get rid of the sniper towers, called minarets... and any buildings over two stories tall with windows. Work the way up the target list until all the innocent refugees have left the area... and then AFTER we eliminate all the ambush potential.. then mop up.
people with firearms or weapons? Shoot on sight.
people out and about after 7 pm? shoot on sight.
give them the bling bling.
but no marines to shoot at.