To: You Dirty Rats
These people would be sad and pitiful if they weren't so dangerous.
Some of the Rabid at DU want new efforts of futility: Contact and Change Republican Electors Votes.
benburch (1000+ posts) Wed Dec-01-04 11:39 PM
Original message
New target acquired; Republican Electors.
I propose that we need to prepare lists of all Republican electors in the nation for the purpose of contacting them directly to convince them to change their vote to Kerry.
We'd need; Name, home address, phone number, FAX number, and email address for as many Republican electors as we can find.
We should also prepare contact materials so that people will have an idea of what arguments might work with a Republican. I think we should impress upon them that their future safety depends on a Kerry victory, as Bush has mismanaged things to the point of making us all less safe daily.
36 posted on
12/02/2004 7:13:27 AM PST by
To: CaptSkip
I propose that we need to prepare lists of all Republican electors in the nation for the purpose of contacting them directly to convince them to change their vote to Kerry.
Well that worked just fine for the Guardian!
(remember the change your vote to Kerry campaign that illustrious rag tried in Ohio?)
50 posted on
12/02/2004 8:08:38 AM PST by
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