I wonder every day if we can pull this seventh century cess pit into the seventeenth. After all, in the West our greatest minds began disbelieving in witches in the seventeenth century. I keep telling myself that we threw enough ordinance on Japan and Germany to convince them to play nice for half a century, but these weren't Moose Limb countries. Great tasks lie ahead, none of them clear or hopeful.
But there were witches in the 17th century just as there still are today. Whether their "witchcraft" has any special powers or not, they can still be an evil lot with animal and human sacrifice and "do as thou will" moral philosophy.
Even in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, a parable about "McCarthyism", there are practicing witches. We have been lulled as to the threat that the communists in the US government institutions and media posed then and the distortions they still propagate (the initial antiIraq war movement was a communist funded enterprise). McCarthy was right (and the "Red Scare" even predated Senator McCarthy, The Crucible was written before his heyday).
That said, you can look at Ask The Imam and still find plenty of posts warning about jeanies/genies/jinis, djins so your point does hold.