The Columbia College class of 2004 commencement speaker spent probably 2/3 of his time trashing the Bush administration, in typical Jackass Party fashion. It was obviously assumed that the parents and students would be delighted. Not? The tuition is now up to about $31,000 per year, and total expenses about $40,000 per year for the college. Parents should start voting with their feet and send their kids to colleges where the faculty realize that the terrorists are the enemy, not President Bush.
What can one say?
Some smart folks who think one way go to places like Columbia and Yale.
Other smart folks who think the other way go to places like West Point and Annapolis.
The parents are usually the source of the kid being the one way or the other way, and the ones delight at the Senator bashing Bush at commencement, while the others delight at Bush giving the speech at their child's graduation.
You say To-may-to, and I say to-mah-to.
You say Po-tay-to, and I say po-tah-to.
Tomayto, tomahto, potayto, potato...
Let's call the whole thing off!