The part in the article about fallout shelters is dumb. By definition, we will not know when a terrorist attack will occur. The shelters would be useless.
What's weird is that in the late summer 2001 I posted on another board "What would we do if terrorists set off a nuke in the USA?". People responded as if I had two heads or something.
Anyway, I think that it is FAR more likely that WMDs would be in the form of a virus, not nukes. Terrorists send in a dozen Smallpox Samirs to fly around the USA infecting travellers.
Also, terrorists don't need WMDs to hurt us bigtime. I can think of a dozen simple attack strategies that would sow chaos here. Then the terrorists wait for their useful idiots in the MSM to do the rest of the terrorizing for them.
Regarding: "Anyway, I think that it is FAR more likely that would be in the form of a virus, not nukes. Terrorists send in a dozen Smallpox to fly around the USA infecting ."
Reply: No need to "fly around." The Military arm of Islam, terrorists disguised as civilians, is here and waiting for instructions. No need for arms, for suicidal Muslims can be filled with chemical, biological and radioactive substances. They can then, by breathing, personal contact or explosive device, infect Americans in every major city in America. Muslims believe, suicide in the cause of Allah is not suicide, it is a passport martyrdom and eternal bliss. It is a Muslim's belief that martyrdom in the name of Allah will guarantee them an eternal orgy of fantastic sex and pleasure without the consequence of a calloused crotch. Such is the depth and breadth of their Martyr's highest values.