To: InfantryMarine
As a Golfer I know how far this is,THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 posted on
11/30/2004 3:39:10 PM PST by
( Who's High Pitch ?, I'm Kelly Clarkson)
To: cmsgop
As a Golfer I know how far this is,THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!I know what you mean. I can barely drive one that far myself.
22 posted on
11/30/2004 3:46:37 PM PST by
(Stop Spam - Do NOT buy from junk email.)
To: cmsgop
Probably only Par 6. (Driver, 3 3-woods, 2 putts). /sarcasm (For me, a Par 7 or 8)
Seriously, what an accomplishment. I wouldn't want to EVER be anywhere near the sights of this sniper or any other sniper in the armed forces.
34 posted on
11/30/2004 3:53:19 PM PST by
(If you can't hang with the big dogs, then don't jump off the porch.)
To: cmsgop
Yes, it's two par-5s end to end! Astounding! Great telsight obviously.
75 posted on
11/30/2004 4:57:37 PM PST by
To: cmsgop
Yes, it's two par-5s end to end! Astounding! Great telsight obviously.
76 posted on
11/30/2004 4:57:44 PM PST by
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