Wonderful! A well-spent life.
He taught me a great love for reading and thank God he did. By the time I could vote (the age was 21 then) I decided to be a Republican, thanks to the biased democrats that ran the state, bunch of crooks.
There's nothing quite like being surrounded by Evil to teach a person the value of goodness, is there? Congratulations to you for seeing the light.
I do not like political correct speech.
Agreed. It has destroyed or strangled honest social discourse throughout much of the world.
I resent the change of the name of Confederate Blvd.
I'm glad to hear it. I'm not Southern, but I have a great love for our Southern friends and I respect and honor their rich history. The name Confederate is nothing to be ashamed of in any way.
I did not like Bush's PC speech,
Agreed...it was difficult for me to hear as well, but when you consider the circumstances of the event, he had little choice. To take that particular opportunity to be anything other than congenial and gracious would have made him look small and petty. He did what he could with a difficult social situation.
I voted for him and wish I could vote for him in 2008, but feel he could have made a nice polite speech without praising "lil" Bill, could have just talked about the redneck library. Ugliest thing I have ever seen besides Hillary, especially when she looses her temper.
Agreed...the library is hideous and is a blight upon the landscape.
Arkansas has a Confederate Flag Day. Clinton never did anything to change this observance.