Moral: do not confront without backup. Or do not confront.
Hunters do not kill each other. Hunters scout before the season and always obtain permission from the landowner. Hunters know where they are and who's land they are hunting on.
The thing I hate most about this (after loss of life) is that millions of responsible hunters will take the heat for this. When will we learn not to throw the baby out with the bathwater? One just cannot be protected from the criminally insane or stupid. It is not possible. What possible new law could be necessary that would have prevented this debacle? Perhaps a bounty on trespassers... I don't think that will fly.
Repeal the 5 round mag "limit" for hunters. Repeal the no loaded guns in vehicles and ATV's. Those who came to render assistance on ATV's, may have been unarmed due to "regs" against having a loaded weapon in/on a vehicle. Repeal the 30,000 other unconstitutional infringements of the Second Amendment. An armed society is a polite society.
The founding fathers gave us the formula for preserving freedom AND security - the Second Amendment.