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To: Oreo Kookey
I sense you are trying to "trap" me into implying Adam and/or Eve was queer.

Not at all. Just trying to show you the absurdity of your logic.

I still don't see how "all sin came into being" in the Garden of Eden. If the "devil" tempted Adam and Eve, is he/she responsible for all sin? If so, why did God allow him/her into the Garden of Eden in the first place?

Or did Adam and Eve succumb to the devil's temptation, opening up some sort of Pandora's box that unleased sin onto mankind?

If so, are they to blame for all the evils of today's society?

42 posted on 11/28/2004 8:37:13 AM PST by wai-ming
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To: wai-ming
Good questions wai -ming.

Most expositors of Scripture would answer that before the fall of man into Sin (which is a state not just on particular sin) that man was perfect and so able to be in God's Presence and communicate with Him. Once humans disobeyed God they fell from that perfect state. Now being imperfect they corrupted themselves and continued to fall into a state of sin. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was to take the consequences of sin from us and the ressurection and ascension into heaven was to restore us (through Jesus Christ)to communion with God. When Christ comes again (or when we get to heaven) that communion will be complete and we will be with the Lord forever in perfect communion with Him. I hope this ansers some of your questions.

Bless You


44 posted on 11/28/2004 9:08:47 AM PST by melsec (No other Name!)
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To: wai-ming
"Or did Adam and Eve succumb to the devil's temptation, opening up some sort of Pandora's box that unleased* sin onto mankind?

If so, are they to blame for all the evils of today's society?"

This is my final attempt to get you to see what I am saying. I don't expect you to agree with me. I have to assume you are not so familiar with the contents of the Bible. Or if you are, you dismiss it because it doesn't agree with you.

You are right on with this statement: "Or did Adam and Eve succumb to the devil's temptation opening up some sort of Pandora's box that unleased sin onto mankind?" It was Satan's objective to draw mankind to him and away from God. His goal was and is to be like God. Adam bought into the lie and thus the sin of Satan was brought on mankind. Thus, our need for a Savior. The Grace of Jesus Christ.

If you want better explained information, please refer to the Bible and sites like
to find out how sin was unleashed on mankind and most importantly, how each of us can be freed from it's consequences.

(I assume unleased = unleashed)

125 posted on 11/29/2004 1:44:18 AM PST by Oreo Kookey (How, indeed, do we click our tongues at beheadings and look the other way from abortion? I weep.)
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