To: Oreo Kookey
I believe I said that sin came into being in the Garden. All sin. Exactly how did "all sin" come into being in the Garden of Eden?
I've heard from my Christian friends that Adam and Eve were indeed involved. If that is so, they must have some connection to homosexuality, lying, stealing, and the other "sins" that you mention. Please explain.
24 posted on
11/28/2004 1:12:24 AM PST by
To: wai-ming
All sin came into the Garden by the serpent, the devil. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. A sin. Therefore it came in with original sin. I sense you are trying to "trap" me into implying Adam and/or Eve was queer. The Bible doesn't say that is so , so I take it that it is not true. The potential was certainly in them. Just like the potential for murder is in you though I assume you have not committed a murder.
32 posted on
11/28/2004 7:04:19 AM PST by
Oreo Kookey
(How, indeed, do we click our tongues at beheadings and look the other way from abortion? I weep.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson