Should have used the universal translater: "The Dialectizer"
That is fantastic! Isn't the internet a thing of beauty!
FR, dialectized:
I LOVE the translater. Here is my FR home page, translated into "Swedish Chef":
Zee cummund Be-a ye-a perffect is nut ideeleestic ges. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Nur is it a cummund tu du zee impusseeble-a. He-a is gueeng tu meke-a us intu creetoores thet cun oobey thet cummund. Bork bork bork! He-a seeed (in zee Beeble-a) thet ve-a vere-a 'guds' und He-a is gueeng tu meke-a guud Hees vurds. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Iff ve-a let Heem--fur ve-a cun prefent Heem, iff ve-a chuuse-a--He-a veell meke-a zee feeblest und feelthiest ooff us intu a gud oor guddess, dezzleeng, redeeunt, immurtel creetoore-a, poolseteeng ell thruoogh veet sooch inergy und juy und veesdum und lufe-a es ve-a cunnut noo imegeene-a, a breeght steeenless murrur vheech refflects beck tu Gud perffectly (thuoogh, ooff cuoorse-a, oon a smeller scele-a) Hees oovn buoondless pooer und deleeght und guudness. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Zee prucess veell be-a lung und in perts fery peeenffool; boot thet is vhet ve-a ere-a in fur. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Nutheeng less. Um gesh dee bork, bork! He-a meunt vhet He-a seeed. Bork bork bork!" (Mere-a Chreestiunity, pp.174-75)
Und iff it seem ifeel untu yuoo tu serfe-a zee Lurd, chuuse-a ye-a thees dey vhum ye-a veell serfe-a...boot es fur me-a und my huoose-a, ve-a veell serfe-a zee Lurd. Bork bork bork! (Jushooa 24:15)
Yuoo deed nut du unytheeng tu echeeefe-a yuoor selfeshun, boot yuoo moost du sumetheeng tu ixheebit it. Um de hur de hur de hur. Yuoo moost "vurk oooot yuoor oovn selfeshun" vheech Gud hes vurked in yuoo elreedy (Pheelippiuns 2:12). Ere-a yuoor speech, yuoor theenking, und yuoor imushuns ifeedence-a thet yuoo ere-a vurkeeng it "oooot"? Iff yuoo ere-a steell zee seme-a meesereble-a, gruoochy persun, set oon hefeeng yuoor oovn vey, zeen it is a leee-a tu sey thet Gud hes sefed und suncteeffied yuu. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! --Oosveld Chembers
Vhee I luuk beck oon my leeffe-a nooedeys, vheech I sumeteemes du, vhet streekes me-a must furceebly ebuoot it is thet vhet seemed et zee teeme-a must seegnifficunt und sedoocteefe-a, seems noo footeele-a und ebsoord. Bork bork bork! Fur instunce-a, sooccess in ell ooff its fereeuoos gooeeses; beeeng knoon und beeeng preeesed, oostenseeble-a pleesoores, leeke-a ecqooureeng muney oor sedooceeng vumee, oor trefeleeng, gueeng tu und fru in zee vurld und up und doon in it leeke-a Setun, ixplureeng und ixpereeencing vhetefer Funeety Feur hes tu ooffffer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! In retruspect ell zeese-a ixerceeses in selff-greteefficeshun seem poore-a funtesy, vhet Pescel celled "leecking zee iert." Zeey ere-a deefersiuns deseegned tu deestrect oooor ettenshun frum zee trooe-a poorpuse-a ooff oooor ixeestence-a in thees vurld, vheech is, qooeete-a seemply, tu luuk fur Gud, und, in luukeeng, tu feend Heem, und, hefeeng fuoond Heem, tu lufe-a Heem, zeereby istebleeshing a hermuneeuoos releshunsheep veet Hees poorpuses fur Hees creeshun. --Melcum Mooggereedge-a, "A Tventeeet Centoory Chreestiun Testeemuny"
"Zeere-a ere-a boot tvu perteees noo, Treeeturs und Petreeuts, und I vunt hereeffter tu be-a runked veet zee letter . . . Ve-a hefe-a a gufernment, levs und a fleg, und zeey moost ell be-a soosteeened. Bork bork bork!" Ulysses S. Grunt
Vell... veet dooe-a respect tu, tu Juhn Idverds, vhus a, yuoo knoo fery telented, und fery. Bork bork bork!.. shrood in hees, uh, deescernment ooff zee seetooeshun und presenteshun ooff heemselff, I, Im, tu sey, I, I, I uh, Im nut un etturney, he-a, he-a hes beee a fery sooccessffool etturney, und, und, zeere-as, thets un hunureble-a pruffesseeun und, Im, ih, it pleys a fery impurtunt rule-a, boot I dunt theenk beeeng a, a heegh-preeced, und, und, ixtremely uh, pruffeeteble-a uh, legel edfucete-a oofer a cereer iqooetes tu pupooleesm oor poobleec serfeece-a, I joost, I theenk its, its tu sey, thet nutheeng egeeenst heem vhetsuefer, boot its nut, its nut poobleec serfeece-a, its ebuoot, uh, useeng thuse-a legel skeells in a vey, thets beneffeeted hees cleeents, cleerly, und, und mede-a heem a lut ooff muney, und, und, um, boot thets, thets nut, thets nut Vellstuneeun in my feeoo, und I dunt theenk it iqooetes tu, uh, tu a cummeetment ooff, in gufernment thet Juhn Kerry hes fullooed. Bork bork bork! --Ixtremely iluqooent ooretur und Meennesuta DFL Senetur Merk Deytun
Oooor inemeees hefe-a mede-a a bet -- thet zee Vest in generel und Emereeca in perteecooler ere-a sufft und decedent und hefe-a nu ettenshun spun; thet zee ''sleepeeng geeunt'' Edmurel Yememutu feered he'd vekened et Peerl Herbur cun nu lunger be-a ruoosed. Bork bork bork! Iff he-a cuoold, he'd be-a a prublem. Boot he's poonchy und iffffete-a und sloomped in hees Berceluoonger, und he's deffeening decedence-a doon: In Feeetnem, it tuuk 50,000 deeths tu dreefe-a zee geeunt evey; meybe-a in Ireq, it veell oonly teke-a 500; und meybe-a in zee next ver zee geeunt veell geefe-a up effter 50, oor nut buzeer et ell. He-a hes zee edfuntege-a ooff zee must pooerffool ermy oon zee fece-a ooff zee plunet, boot he-a duesn't hefe-a zee stumech fur ver, su it's nu edfuntege-a et ell. He's leeke-a zee felloo veet zee beooteeffoolly vexed Ferreree in zee gerege-a thet he-a duesn't dere-a teke-a oon zee puthuled rueds. Um gesh dee bork, bork! --Merk Steyn
" Islem isn't in Emereeca tu be-a iqooel tu uny oozeer feeet, boot tu becume-a dumeenunt. Um de hur de hur de hur...Zee Kurun, zee Moosleem buuk ooff screeptoore-a, shuoold be-a zee heeghest oothureety in Emereeca, und Islem zee oonly eccepted releegiun oon Iert." --Oomer Ehmed, CEIR
Lets essoome-a thet ell zee cheeps fell zee jeehedis vey, thet zeey recrooeeted inuoogh fuloonteers tu be-a eble-a tu keednep und decepeetete-a ifery seengle-a Joo in Pelesteene-a. Zeen vhet? Moosleems vuoold steell be-a, es Pekeestuns Generel Moosherreff tuld a cunfference-a zee oozeer dey, zee puurest, zee must illeeterete-a, zee must beckverd, zee must unheelthy, zee must unenleeghtened, zee must depreefed, und zee veekest ooff ell zee hoomun rece-a. Vhu vuoold zee feectim ooff zee vurld bleme-a next? Zee ifeedence-a ooff zee Soodun, Neegeria, und oozeer perts ooff Effreeca sooggests thet, vhee zeere-a ere-a nu Joos tu hund, zee Islemuffesceests heppeely meke-a du veet keelling Chreestiuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork! In Keshmur, its zee Heendoos foolt. Um de hur de hur de hur. Zeere-as elveys sumeune-a. -- Merk Steyn
"Yes, ceefiliuns veell deee-a. My cuooseens veell deee-a. Meybe-a. Elleh furbeed. Bork bork bork! Boot here-a is a certeeenty thet yuoo du nut understund in yuoor seemplistic Neeckeludeun deeplumecy, is thet yuoo ere-a gooerunteed tu hefe-a ceefiliuns deee-a under Seddem. Su noo yuoo try egeeen tu unsver my qooesshun veethuoot pleyeeng zee peeng-pung: Hoo dues leefeeng Seddem in pooer prumute-a peece-a und joosteece-a in Ireq?" -- Ireqee celler Muhemmed cunffrunts Uneeted Fur Peece-a und Joosteece-a spukespersun Undrea Booffffa oon US redeeu
"I debete-a veet zee ooppunents ooff zee Ireq interfenshun elmust ifery dey. Bork bork bork! I elveys hefe-a zee seme-a qooesshuns fur zeem, vheech nefer seem tu get unsvered. Bork bork bork! Du yuoo beleeefe-a thet a cunffrunteshun veet Seddem Hoosseeen's regeeme-a ves inefeeteble-a oor nut? Du yuoo beleeefe-a thet a cunffrunteshun veet un Udey/Qoosey regeeme-a vuoold hefe-a beee better? Du yuoo knoo thet Seddem's infuys vere-a tryeeng tu booy a veepuns prudoocshun leene-a ooffff zee shelff frum Nurt Kurea (feede-a zee Key repurt) es lete-a es lest Merch? Vhy du yuoo theenk Seddem ooffffered "sooccur" (Mr. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Clerke's vurd) tu zee mun must vunted in zee 1993 bumbeengs in Noo Yurk? Vuoold yuoo hefe-a beee in fefur ooff leeffting zee "nu fly zunes" oofer nurzeern und suoozeern Ireq; a 10-yeer prulungeshun ooff zee ooreeginel "Goolff Ver"? Vere-a yuoo cuntent tu hefe-a Koordeesh und Sheeite-a reseestunce-a feeghters du ell zee feeghting fur us? Du yuoo theenk thet zee teeming ooff a cunffrunteshun shuoold hefe-a beee lefft, es it ves in zee pest, fur Beghded tu chuuse-a?"--Chreestupher Heetchens
"Zee huttest plece-a in Hell is reserfed fur thuse-a vhu remeeen neootrel in teemes ooff murel creesis. Um gesh dee bork, bork! --Dunte-a Eleeghieri