LibertarianInExile: "I cannot believe the number of Freepers who have jumped on the "Soros likes it so it must be bad" bandwagon."
Thank God someone is making sense ... yes, it could just happen that somewhere in the world, Soros and Bush are *on the same side* - namely, together against the *actual* communists of the world - against authoritarian mob rule, and for a new 1989 ...
Hey, Reagan and Soros were on the same side back then after all, too - its what made the Milosevic's, Meciar's and Iliescu's of this world come to hate Soros's guts. After all, he funded pretty much every democratic, anti-communist opposition NGO there was in their countries.
In the US, "liberal" means lefty. But in Romania or Russia or Serbia or, yes, the Ukraine, "liberal" means anti-communist. It means being for a country where the ballot boxes arent stuffed and independent journalists dont run the risk of being beheaded, like one was in the Ukraine, apparently on Kuchma's orders.
Gentlemen, pick your side ...
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