I don't think they will rest until he's impeached and kicked out of congress. I think if they can get statement from the Harvard Law School admissions committee of 1973 concerning what they knew about the nature of Kerry's discharge, the process would be expedited considerably. That committee KNEW that Kerry had a 'less than honorable' discharge and refused to admit him on the grounds that he wouldn't be able to practice law or pass the bar anyway.
Agreed. At a minimum, they (and we) should work to make it impossible for John 'Hanoi' Kerry to mount a serious presidential campaign again. Even better, it needs to be revealed\publicized on a very wide scale how much the MSM and political elites covered up for 'Vichy' Kerry, how they enabled a traitorous scumbag to come rather close to becoming President of the USA. His real record and the disinformation campaign that allowed him to rise so far must still become known to tens and hundreds of millions of people. The Swiftees have done a great job so far, but I cannot understand how people can say it's all over, go home and forget about it.