I don't agree with your assessment of this. I watched the press conference. The sheriff stated that people hunting with his party have used an SKS in the past.
I agree that Doyle had no reason to be there. The comment I made to my wife as soon as I saw his face was "must be campaigning season already."
By the way. Al Laski, who was shot off his ATV and killed, is the brother of my employee. We are still in shock.
>>>I don't agree with your assessment of this <<<
>>> The sheriff stated that people hunting with his party have used an SKS in the past.<<<
Doesnt this prove my point!
Besides being a professional law enforcement officer and the top sheriff in the county.
He should know what a SKS is. And its capacity. A off the rack model is a top loading weapon similar to many bolt action rifles. Or a M1.
And he should know that a SKS would not have been affected by the AWB.
If its a evil assault rifle then so is a M1, M1A, Browning BARs, .........
My condolences to you and your employees;(