Posted on 11/22/2004 9:16:10 AM PST by TPartyType
This Sandbox is devoted to giving you a place to practice basic HTML, and to get some coaching.
So, first things first:
Go to michigander's [ HTML Bootcamp (Cyber patriot training)] and learn there how to change font color, font size, font face, and the like.
Learn there also how to post a link and an image, then come back here to practice.
If you're having problems, folks will drop by occasionally to give you pointers and help you troubleshoot.
NEWCOMERS TIP: I just reread the FreeRepublic posting guidelines. They're worth a read by all newcomers [click here].
But first, HTML advice from the FreeRepublic help page:
Basic HTML
The Free Republic forum uses standard HTML coding techniques. Use <p> to start new paragraphs. You may use <b> to begin bolding and <center> to center text, but please remember to end these items where appropriate with </b> and/or </center>, etc. If you post links or other advanced coding, be sure to test before posting.Creating new paragraphs is about the only html that most posters ever need, but if you would like to learn more about html you may use any search engine on the internet to find tutorials. Simply search on "html tutorial". Here are links to a couple tutorials that I found:
Please: ALWAYS turn "OFF" the formatting when you use it.
Some commonly used codes of this type are:
These codes can be "nested" to produce multiple effects at the same time. For instance:
<b><i>Bold and Italic</i></b> produces Bold and Italic
where "URL" is the URL address you want to link to (and you gotta use the double quotes), and Link Description is whatever you want to call your link. For example:
<a HREF="">Link to Drudge</a>
becomes Link to Drudge
And another from the same previous post:
<FONT COLOR="COLOR">Sample</FONT> produces colorful text.
"COLOR" is often a Hexidecimal Code for whatever Color you want, but color names are also supported.
<FONT COLOR="blue">blue text</font> produces blue text
<FONT COLOR="red">red text</font> produces red text
<FONT COLOR="green">green text</font> produces green text
To be sure I turn off the formatting I TYPE THE "OFF" COMMAND AT THE SAME TIME AS THE "ON" COMMAND.
An example:
I want to respond to a line in a post by another brilliant Freeper.
I type < I >""< /I >< BR>
I then "cut and paste" his remarks between the quotes:
< i>" You are a poopy head "< /I>< BR>
And type my equally brilliant response: "No, you're a poopy head!"
The result:
"You are a poopy head"
No, you're a poopy head!
It's very easy to forget to turn off your formatting!
Yes it is!
Actually, the <ul> tag is for a bulleted list and stands for unordered list. The missing part is the list item tag (<li>) Here's an example:
<li>List item #1
<li>List item #2
<li>List item #3
Would display:
Finally . . .
Here's the link for [Webmonkey] (a super HTML training site).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a ipsum lorem, sit amet pharetra neque. Sed lacinia orci at eros condimentum vitae lobortis nibh consequat. In viverra dolor ullamcorper libero ultrices placerat. Pellentesque quis risus enim. Pellentesque volutpat accumsan massa at condimentum. Quisque sed velit leo. Donec vel metus id massa luctus imperdiet vulputate ut felis. Donec et vehicula dui. Pellentesque pulvinar nisi in felis vestibulum a vehicula quam varius. Praesent sodales orci euismod diam molestie eget varius turpis accumsan. Mauris eu sem nibh. Nunc ac nunc eget enim molestie pulvinar eget eget nulla. | |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a ipsum lorem, sit amet pharetra neque. Sed lacinia orci at eros condimentum vitae lobortis nibh consequat. In viverra dolor ullamcorper libero ultrices placerat. Pellentesque quis risus enim. Pellentesque volutpat accumsan massa at condimentum. Quisque sed velit leo. Donec vel metus id massa luctus imperdiet vulputate ut felis. Donec et vehicula dui. Pellentesque pulvinar nisi in felis vestibulum a vehicula quam varius. Praesent sodales orci euismod diam molestie eget varius turpis accumsan. Mauris eu sem nibh. Nunc ac nunc eget enim molestie pulvinar eget eget nulla. Integer id libero arcu, vitae condimentum mi. Maecenas blandit sapien non enim placerat at dictum est consectetur. Vivamus congue viverra libero eget laoreet. Nulla tempus urna quis tortor condimentum cursus. Maecenas aliquam molestie dictum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque viverra venenatis tortor. Sed vehicula, quam eget feugiat fermentum, leo metus malesuada libero, eu euismod odio nulla sit amet neque. Proin nisi nibh, fermentum sed condimentum pellentesque, volutpat in ligula. Maecenas nec quam ipsum, commodo consectetur tortor. Proin adipiscing arcu molestie purus porttitor non interdum elit ullamcorper. Mauris urna enim, semper ac tempor eget, aliquam sed lacus. Nunc et neque nisi. Donec sed est gravida leo fringilla sagittis ut sit amet massa. Ut quis ante eu arcu condimentum tristique condimentum non quam. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a ipsum lorem, sit amet pharetra neque. Sed lacinia orci at eros condimentum vitae lobortis nibh consequat. In viverra dolor ullamcorper libero ultrices placerat. Pellentesque quis risus enim. Pellentesque volutpat accumsan massa at condimentum. Quisque sed velit leo. Donec vel metus id massa luctus imperdiet vulputate ut felis. Donec et vehicula dui. Pellentesque pulvinar nisi in felis vestibulum a vehicula quam varius. Praesent sodales orci euismod diam molestie eget varius turpis accumsan. Mauris eu sem nibh. Nunc ac nunc eget enim molestie pulvinar eget eget nulla. Integer id libero arcu, vitae condimentum mi. Maecenas blandit sapien non enim placerat at dictum est consectetur. Vivamus congue viverra libero eget laoreet. Nulla tempus urna quis tortor condimentum cursus. Maecenas aliquam molestie dictum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque viverra venenatis tortor. Sed vehicula, quam eget feugiat fermentum, leo metus malesuada libero, eu euismod odio nulla sit amet neque. Proin nisi nibh, fermentum sed condimentum pellentesque, volutpat in ligula. Maecenas nec quam ipsum, commodo consectetur tortor. Proin adipiscing arcu molestie purus porttitor non interdum elit ullamcorper. Mauris urna enim, semper ac tempor eget, aliquam sed lacus. Nunc et neque nisi. Donec sed est gravida leo fringilla sagittis ut sit amet massa. Ut quis ante eu arcu condimentum tristique condimentum non quam. |
Integer id libero arcu, vitae condimentum mi. Maecenas blandit sapien non enim placerat at dictum est consectetur. Vivamus congue viverra libero eget laoreet. Nulla tempus urna quis tortor condimentum cursus. Maecenas aliquam molestie dictum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque viverra venenatis tortor. Sed vehicula, quam eget feugiat fermentum, leo metus malesuada libero, eu euismod odio nulla sit amet neque. Proin nisi nibh, fermentum sed condimentum pellentesque, volutpat in ligula. Maecenas nec quam ipsum, commodo consectetur tortor. Proin adipiscing arcu molestie purus porttitor non interdum elit ullamcorper. Mauris urna enim, semper ac tempor eget, aliquam sed lacus. Nunc et neque nisi. Donec sed est gravida leo fringilla sagittis ut sit amet massa. Ut quis ante eu arcu condimentum tristique condimentum non quam. |
Donec gravida arcu vulputate justo euismod nec lacinia tellus scelerisque. Nullam mi neque, vulputate sit amet gravida sed, venenatis at lorem. Praesent dictum dignissim lobortis. Maecenas dignissim facilisis nunc, vel iaculis magna iaculis id. Phasellus pretium, eros egestas convallis malesuada, leo magna rhoncus libero, eget fermentum lacus diam vel diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque tempus, nisi tristique tincidunt egestas, lacus nisi posuere ipsum, ultricies tincidunt nisi nisl et sapien. Donec iaculis blandit sem. Sed sed magna a dui interdum congue vitae ac nisi. Sed nec felis sapien, in pulvinar metus. Aliquam sapien dolor, euismod sit amet scelerisque eget, fringilla in nisl. Aenean vitae lacinia diam. Nam rhoncus luctus felis, ut vulputate dolor sollicitudin a. Nulla convallis facilisis orci, sed faucibus quam vehicula vel. Suspendisse potenti. |
Quisque enim tortor, pellentesque ac placerat eget, imperdiet sit amet augue. Pellentesque enim tortor, posuere at dignissim at, aliquam in arcu. Vestibulum erat orci, varius et pretium vitae, aliquet nec justo. Aliquam condimentum quam in purus interdum imperdiet. Sed enim enim, adipiscing id euismod nec, molestie id neque. Nam egestas justo sit amet mi euismod tempor varius tellus adipiscing. In sollicitudin tincidunt elementum. Morbi hendrerit, tellus vel aliquet iaculis, tellus risus mattis nisi, eget dapibus libero ante non elit. Sed elit odio, tincidunt eget vestibulum at, volutpat quis eros. Nullam ac nisi tellus. Quisque vehicula dui eu urna consequat molestie. Ut dictum turpis magna. Maecenas vitae lobortis ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc elit lacus, ullamcorper ac commodo nec, gravida eu eros. Sed in augue sit amet tellus laoreet posuere. Phasellus gravida elementum tellus, at dignissim ligula sagittis ac. Sed quis lacinia metus. |
Nullam eget orci sapien. Suspendisse sagittis sagittis lacus, vel iaculis turpis mollis vel. Phasellus fermentum fermentum dui sed eleifend. Donec massa nisi, eleifend eget tincidunt a, ultricies id tortor. Proin laoreet, enim interdum dictum porta, lacus lorem ultricies dolor, eget facilisis neque elit ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Donec in quam elit. Pellentesque rutrum sapien sit amet nibh posuere pharetra dignissim diam aliquet. Praesent non nisl ante, vitae pretium libero. Cras facilisis erat ac ante sollicitudin rutrum. Curabitur nisl erat, gravida in hendrerit vitae, bibendum commodo justo. Vivamus risus mi, tempor a semper sit amet, rhoncus in purus. Aenean pulvinar quam sed leo lobortis dictum. Nam odio magna, luctus non interdum a, facilisis ut urna. Aenean ac tortor eu lectus euismod ornare. Integer pellentesque vulputate velit, nec mattis odio dictum non. In vulputate arcu ac metus molestie congue. Praesent tempus dignissim ligula, sed iaculis dui ullamcorper vel. Sed malesuada nisi risus. |
Long known for a liberal policy on drugs, the Czech Republic is now officially quantifying its status as one of European Union's most lenient member states when it comes to decriminalizing drug possession. But these new guidelines come among signs that the rest of Czech drug policy is not keeping pace with other EU members and contradicts law enforcement tactics being utilized to tackle alcohol abuse. On Dec. 14, Prime Minister Jan Fischer's government approved new standardized limits, delineating criminal and misdemeanor drug offenses. Starting Jan. 1, the new numbers will allow a person to possess, for example, up to 15 grams of marijuana or 1.5 grams of heroin without facing criminal charges. Anybody possessing less than these amounts is eligible to be charged for a misdemeanor, but may also receive little more than a warning from police. "It is a step in a right direction," said Michal Hammer, spokesman for the National Drug Squad (NPC). "To put it simply, for exceeding these amounts of narcotics possession, one can be prosecuted in Frýdek Místek as well as in Ostrava." Authorities are quick to point out that these levels represent not a change in law, but rather a clearer definition for law enforcement, which has previously used the ambiguous term "a small amount" as the dividing line between misdemeanor and felony prosecution. In the Czech Republic, 87 percent of successful prosecutions are tied to cases involving drug sales or production, and only 13 percent are related to possession, according to the NPC. |
Czech authorities insist their new guidelines fall in step with European norms, but they are in fact much more liberal than policies in most neighboring countries. According to the European Legal Database on Drugs (ELDD), Slovakia defines criminal drug possession as having more than three times a single dose of any substance, putting the Czech regulation of marijuana some 15 times over that threshold. In Hungary, anyone possessing any amount of drugs is eligible for a five-year prison sentence. Those defined as addicts are punished less severely but are still eligible for a one-year prison term for possessing any drugs. The Czech philosophy on drug policy may in fact make the country the most liberal of all EU member states. Even the Netherlands, long known as a bastion of liberal drug policies, including businesses licensed to sell marijuana, draws a sharper legal distinction between hard and soft drugs. The Dutch also limit decriminalized possession of marijuana to 5 grams (one-third of the Czech amount) and any hard drugs to 0.5 grams (one-third of the Czech amount for heroin). The logic behind decriminalizing drug possession is to treat drug addiction as a public health problem rather than a criminal one. "If a person possess drugs for their own use, or is a drug addict and needs his daily dose, the prosecution of such a person does not solve the drug-abuse problem as a whole," Hammer said. A shift in policy toward decriminalization is usually accompanied by a shift in resources from law enforcement and courts to drug treatment and counseling, and it is in this area, as well as in the overall resources dedicated to fighting drugs, that the Czech Republic lags far behind its European counterparts with liberalized drug policies. In 2008, the Czech Republic spent a total of 597.3 million Kč on anti-drug policy with about two-thirds of that money coming from the national government. About 247 million Kč of the total was spent on prevention, addiction treatment and medical care. The Netherlands spent 2.2 billion euros last year on drug policy, with 25 percent (550 million euros) spent on treatment, prevention and medical care. While the Netherlands has about three times as many residents as the Czech Republic, a comparison between the two finds that the Dutch spend more than 30 times more money per resident on anti-drug policy (73 euros per person per year in the Netherlands versus 2.2 euros per person per year in the Czech Republic) and 20 times more per person per year on drug treatment and counseling (18 euros per person per year in the Netherlands versus less than 1 euro per person per year in the Czech Republic). The loose Czech policy on drug possession does not match the philosophy being utilized to combat other substance abuse problems either, raising questions about whether the government is attacking addiction with a coherent policy. On Dec. 15, the Czech Traffic Police announced they would begin using breathalyzer tests during every traffic stop to combat what they say was a doubling of people driving under the influence compared with last year. The Czech Republic is the only country in Europe test for alcohol on every traffic stop. "The change in practice only applies to alcohol," said Veronika Benediktová, a police spokeswoman. "The screening test to detect that a driver is under the influence of drugs will only be applied in cases where the police have suspicions of drug use." The new clarification of the drug-possession law is being praised by most experts as a positive step to giving police officers clear, uniform guidelines, but government offices either proved unable or unwilling to provide answers to follow-up questions related to the policy. The Health Ministry declined to provide information about how much is budgeted each year for drug treatment. The Justice Ministry was equally tight lipped, though it did say the policy is scheduled for a review in early 2011. |
New guidelines Starting in 2010, possessing the following amounts of drugs is no longer a criminal offense. Marijuana 15 grams or less Heroin 1.5 grams or less Cocaine 1 gram or less Methamphetamine 2 grams or less Amphetamine 2 grams or less Ecstasy 4 tablets or less Hashish 5 grams or less Hallucinogenic mushrooms 40 pieces or less LSD 5 tablets or less |
Lagging in policy The Czech Republic may be among the most liberal EU member states when it comes to decriminalizing drug possession, but policy on prevention and treatment lags behind others with similar regulations Total anti-drug expenditure Czech Republic 22.7 million euros The Netherlands 2.2 billion euros Treatment, counseling, medical expenditure Czech Republic 9.4 million euros The Netherlands 550 million euros |
Even amid signs that the rest of Czech drug policy is not in-step with liberal possession laws, most drug counseling professionals see the emphasis on drugs as a public health problem as a good thing. But, with 44 percent of Czechs between 15 and 24 years old reporting they have used cannabis, and 29 percent of the same group using the drug in the past year - the highest rates in the EU - some remain skeptical whether the policy will make much of a dent. "It looks more as if it will not have any effect on the drug situation," said Ivan Douda, a psychologist and co-founder of Drop In, an NGO focused on treating drug problems. "Drug consumers and dealers will most likely adjust." And, with new laws decriminalizing marijuana in amounts with a street value of between 3,000 and 4,000 Kč, Douda has another suggestion. "It would be better to take into account the purpose of drug - possession or production - rather than just the amounts," he said. |
durn...well that didn’t work.
This is a test.
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