Sorry, I couldn't find the "New Sex Photos of Paris Hilton and Mystery Woman Surface" article to post.
Being a regular at FR means that I already know Bush is taking a bull-by-the-horns policy stance on many fronts. Indeed, to my annoyance, he's pursuing an immigration policy I'm opposed to. For this reason, some uninformed sheeple reading TIME may find this article interesting.
What I found though, that was most exasperating, was something I've been banging my fist on the table over on many Threads over the last 6 months: This IS the 'line-of-succession' question. To my disappointment Krauthammer didn't answer this question in an article that was partially built around this very question.
I guess this is my biggest disappointment: He left it an open question and, like Bush, a vulnerability for 2008. In addition, many here on this Thread immediately jumped on the Condi bandwagon to this unresolved question. I'm not so sure about this for two reasons: 1) She's never held an elected office and 2) to my knowledge only 3 Secretaries of State have ever been elected President, one of which was Thomas Jefferson. Don't get me wrong here (as I said, Condi's smart) but is she on par with Mr. Jefferson?
Okay, theres my beercup. Flame-suit on.