Calling Michael Moose... Calling Michael Moore rather...
This article with its video if there is, should be included in Farenyikes 9/11 Part II...
There were allot of sharks where I used to swim, especially hammerheads. I remember the night of my sister's wedding. I pulled off my tux, and myself and three cousins went swimming near the mouth of the ST. Johns River. When I look back on this, it reminds me of the opening scene of "Jaws." Some hot summer nights, I'd go swimming when I was bored. I can't believe I did this stuff.
Here's a clip from the local paper.
"Back in the sixties and seventies shark fishing was allowed on the pier and there were quite a few monsters taken. Stanley Paul caught a 13' 1 " hammerhead shark off of the end one night. But that wasn't the biggest.
Blackie Reasor set the all tackle world record with one that weighed over 700 pounds. There were numerous large sharks caught back then. I even lucked into a dusky shark that measured 12' 2" and was estimated at 650 pounds although I did think he was a little lighter than that."
Dave, We're going to need a bigger boat!