Nope. The story is that Mohammed's favorite wife got lost during a night march in the company of a handsome young soldier. The next day, when she caught up with the rest of the group, some demanded that Mohammed have her executed to "cleanse his honor."
He didn't want to do this, so he had the convenient revelation that four male witnesses were required to prove adultery by a women, thus making it almost impossible to prove under the letter of the Koranic law. Of course, Muslims have found a lot of ways around this ruling, but that is what the Koran says.
It is fascinating that what the Koran actually says about women and adultery is almost exactly the opposite of what most Muslims actually do.
Its also interesting that the Muhammid was enlightened by the angel Gabriel about the verses that would become the Koran hundreds of years after Chritianity and Judaism were already around.
If there were copyright and trademark laws back then I think that ol Muhammid would have been giving up a camel or two to pay those legal fees and fines.
Everything in the Koran had already been written somewhere else by the time he came up with it. He changed just enough to be able to say it was ok to plunder booty and attack and tax nonbelievers so he could become rich.
Another interesting fact is that the Koran says that the people under Islam cannot split into different sects, but they did. Also, the different sects split as the result of a critique of the fundamental beliefs of Islam and a critique of the Koran, which is also a big no-no.
So basically its a copied, junk religion, with fatal flaws at its core.