Thank you, thank you, thank you. My God these photos are AWESOME. Just look at George Bush. Standing there wondering what the ruckus is all about then walking over and getting in the middle. Is this a riot or what? I love this man. He's one helluva President and the United States is darned lucky to have him at the helm. I'm blown away. He's one of our greatest Presidents if not the greatest. Whatta a guy. Whatta guy! Blessings on W. I will keep these photos forever. Just seeing him stand there observing then walking over with no one knowing the President of the greatest country in the whole world is standing right behind them. Absolutely the sweetest yet strongest President EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what are you trying to say? :)
Just kidding. I agree with you on all points.
I love him.