I would prosecute these troopers' commanding officers under the U.C.M.J., for failure to administer security on the matter of revealing identities.
These troopers' families are now known to the terrorists.
Which is probably Mr. Sites' purpose.
Yet our leaders should be hung out to dry for failure to enforce the rules and the law.
Including, the fact that all news and information is subject to review before release to the public. Excepting that the Bush Administration is run by lawyers, or other people who are afraid of or lawyers' subjects.
The willful disregard of lessons learned, of the law, of the rules set up to protect our people ... and the arrogance of the Bush-Bots in and out of office, opening vulnerability after vulnerability, and then defending that ignorance by stating things like, "Well, we can't be everywhere doing everything."
No, I will not vote for Rice; I will vote against Rice; because she lied.
We did know that a civilian aircraft could and would likely be used as a weapon against civilian targets.