Paypal problem.
I was signed up once when I was buying things at eBay. I let the account lapse.
Then I signed up again to accept donations for the troop care packages. But their programming wouldn't let me use my credit card to activate the account because it had been used for another account (my old one, which I couldn't access because it was 'locked').
So, I signed up for a Paypal credit card, which didn't turn out to be "immediate approval" because it was a weekend.
I called to get some help several days later. The girl who answered the phone had a couldn't care less attitude. I was frustrated and when she wouldn't do a thing to help straighten it out, I told her to close my account and send me the 23.89 in it from a donation (which I couldn't use to pay an Amazon bill because my account wasn't 'activated', and had to send the seller a check.)
So, the girl was like who cares and was going to send me the money.....but it has never come....4 months ago. The paypal credit card came, but not the money.
I've got to rev myself up and call a supervisor, but I've been busy with the care packages and the election, and haven't done it yet.
Believe me, someone in financial trouble like RaceBannon doesn't need to get his donations tied up at PayPal.
Another fine example of PayPal's customer no-service.
I am also very leery about using PayPal in any form. I posted my experiences with them earlier in this thread, and many of my friends in another forum have also cautioned me not to use them due to security problems (rumors about account holder's data not being protected, hackers penetrating PayPal's database, etc.). I have reverted to sending money orders for stuff I order on the Internet unless it is a trusted merchant like Amazon. I also have a protection scheme for my credit card through Visa and my bank.
Problems not so unusual -