To: Pfesser
Two hundred forty-five votedThat's all? How many members do they have over there anyway?
8 posted on
11/15/2004 6:22:45 AM PST by
(I seem to have lost my tagline.)
To: KJacob
Liberalism is an isidious cancer.
11 posted on
11/15/2004 6:24:08 AM PST by
(My SUV is the urban squirrel's worst predator.)
To: KJacob
That's the same thing I've been thinking. How many members does that place have? It never seems like many.
To: KJacob
I don't believe DU has very many members. I've been lurking around there since election night and I notice a core of people post most frequently. Incidentally, the posts there are mostly vanity pieces. Things like, "I feel depressed today. My cat won't sit on my lap. How about you?" There's a high degree of similar drivel mixed in with long-winded rants and a few articles. BTW, they're still holding onto the belief that Kerry will jump out of the bushes any day now with smoking gun evidence showing that Bush fraudulently stole the election.
19 posted on
11/15/2004 6:47:33 AM PST by
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