Why the Dummos lost. If they havn't figured it out by now thaey have an Intelligience Problem. I'm tired of lame excuses and articles lamenting for the democratic loss. They LOST, time to Throw them and there Liberalism in the Trash Heap of History.
Let's get our country back to the Constitutional Republic it is supposed to be and laws by Americans and FOR Americans.
I'm sick and tired of playing second fiddle to every bleeding heart liberal moan and groan. Investigaste the ACLU and the rest of the Conglomerate Liberal Welfare Network, that's constantly ripping us and our government apart. SAtart with ACLU, Ford FOundation, Rainbow Coalatikon .... Investigate their activities, tax evation, dismantle and outlaw them.
Bet The Dems would like to have the votes of the ones they have been aborting for years