I agree with this writer. I am not a parent, but I see and hear about all the homework in elementary grades now. It's silly and wasteful of valuable youth time. I didn't do homework 'cept occasionally until HIGH SCHOOL.
The answer to whatever they are trying to solve is not to throw more busy work at the kids.
I understand what you are saying, but not only can I not agree with this writer - I think she is full of it.
I have a 6 year old - and if she didn't fuss and fight, her homework would be accomplished within 10 minutes.
Her teachers are not sending home busywork, we are working together to mature her in understanding that assignments must be done in the time in class - if they are not, they must be completed at home. That's the way it was when I was in 1st grade - and that was in 1966.
My daughter has all the time she wants to be a kid, because she is a kid - but she also has to her school work, just like I did 35+ years ago.
You'll look at things differently once you're a parent, I guarantee it.