Hmmm. They're "dismayed." Pity...
Muslims: "You must tolerate me while I kill you!"
Then everyone dying blown to pieces...
Are any of the Dutch Muslims dismayed by the murder of Theo Van Gogh?
Ostensibly, they say they stayed out of the war on terror out of fear of the terrorist backlash on themselves.
Now the moderates are learning that the true purpose of Islamic terrorists is not just to defeat the West and set up fundamentalist states, but it is also intended to destroy all good or neutral relations between the moderate muslims and their non-muslim neighbors.
When the Japanese attacked the U.S., Japanese Americans streamed into the military, to defend America, and to prove their loyalty. The muslims did no such thing that I have heard, in any significant numbers. And what few muslims did, seem to have loyalty issues... at least the ones you hear about from time to time.
I'm sure many more muslims serve honorably in our military, and I thank them for that. It is those who complain about a backlash, but who don't want to fight the evil that is causing that backlash that I am ranting against.
If muslims as a whole don't rise up to reclaim and redefine their religion, the fundamentalist minority will do that for them. At which point, it will become - convert or die... become a Christian, or we nuke your holy cities. The West hasn't waged Crusade in centuries... not since WWII. Do the moderate muslims really want to see what we've learned in the past 1000 years?
[End rant]