Exactly how else is one to interpret the following statement, which YOU made:
How many babies were killed so that your sister could have a few more years of life?
One could interpret the question to mean that it is wrong to take the life of some humans for the benefit of others.
It *is* wrong to take the life of some for the benefit of others.
People are not simply a collection of useful parts or interchangeable units to be disposed in a utilitarian manner.
It does not matter whether the one killed is unborn or a Chinese political prisoner with the right tissue type. It does not matter whether the one benefited is someone's sister or a Chinese politician. The act of infringing the rights of one human for others who have more power - of what ever type - endangers the rights of all.
Read your answer and mine. If there was no fetal death involved, no harm, no foul. An EASY to interpret question and answer set. Now as to your ORIGINAL lie about me in 271 that you defend by screeching, show me again where I have attacked the GOP.