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To: PeterFinn
Arafat was a terrorist, so was Mandela. At least Arafat wasn't a Communist like Mandela, just a self-serving tin-pot despot.

Arafat was a Communist throughout his entire career, despite the protective coloration given him by "conservative" anti-Semites.

24 posted on 11/11/2004 3:24:26 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Half the world's problems would be solved by dropping a bomb on Arafat's funeral.)
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To: Zionist Conspirator; PeterFinn

"Arafat was a terrorist, so was Mandela. At least Arafat wasn't a Communist like Mandela, just a self-serving tin-pot despot."

Arafat was indeed a Communist's a case in point:

Terrorists in Muslim Disguise
(The Inside Story: World Report, August 1994)

Now that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is beginning to defeat Israel, it is pulling out one of its most powerful terrorist weapons to finish the surrender process. That weapon is commonly known as "Islamic fundamentalism."

On Monday, July 18 [1994], a powerful car bomb exploded in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina. The target, a seven-story Jewish community center, was completely destroyed, leaving nearly 100 dead and another 100 wounded.1

Eight days later, another car bomb was detonated—this time at the Israeli embassy in London, England. The embassy and other adjoining buildings suffered damage, and 14 people were injured.2

Authorities in Israel and elsewhere immediately blamed Muslim "extremists" for the terrorist attacks, and specifically named the group Hezballah (meaning "Party of G-d"). For the PLO, this was a convenient dodge allowing it to disclaim responsibility.

But more importantly, the PLO is now using these attacks as an excuse to accelerate the surrender of Israel. The logic is chillingly simple: according to news accounts of the second bombing, British authorities "presumed it to be an attempt to disrupt the peace process," and "Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel... said Islamic extremists were seeking to disrupt the Arab-Israeli reconciliation process."3 Thus peace on any terms must be made quickly with the PLO, lest the "extremists" succeed in stopping the "peace process." The PLO provides the carrot, while "Muslim fundamentalists" provide the stick.

A myth has been engineered in the last several years regarding "Islamic fundamentalism." According to this idea, the PLO and its main factions have become moderate, willing to recognize Israel and negotiate a compromise solution. However, radical Muslims, including Hezballah, Islamic Jihad, the Amal Militia, and Hamas, are said to oppose such compromises violently. Every time these extremists carry out another terrorist attack, Israel is pressured to make more concessions to the PLO.

In reality, this is a classic example of dialectical strategy at work. Writing in Commentary magazine, Jerusalem Post editor David Bar-Illan exposed the clever strategy: "[Israeli] government spokesmen prefer to pretend that the killers are not operatives of the 'moderate' Arafat, supporter of the peace talks, but 'enemies of the peace process,' such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and PLO radicals... The not unreasonable assumption behind this charade is that the public might resent continued talks with proxies of the 'mainstream' PLO in Washington while its gunmen are killing Israelis back home."4

Just as the PLO does not represent palestinian or Arab interests, the "Islamic fundamentalists" are not religious in nature. Rather, all these organizations have been created, supported, and directed by the Communists, operating on orders emanating from Moscow.

The terrorist group Hezballah, and its official sponsor, the government of Iran, provide a case in point.

Because of media distortion, the Ayatollah Khomeini was seen in the west as a fanatic religious leader. But the Iraqi family of the Grand Ayatollah Muhsen Hakim-Tabataba'i, which in the 1960s and 1970s exercised leadership over the Shi'ite movement of Islam, opposed Khomeini so thoroughly that they worked closely with the Shah of Iran. Saddam Hussein, the Soviet-backed dictator of Iraq, murdered the family at his first opportunity, thereby eliminating Shi'ite opposition to Khomeini.5

Khomeini's revolutionary movement was known as "Islamic Marxism," a movement begun from within the Russian Bolshevik Party in 1916.6 During the 1970s, the Soviet Union mobilized its resources to organize a revolution in Iran, with Khomeini as its official leader. Khomeini's brother was serving time in prison as a member of the Tudeh Party—the Communist Party of Iran; Khomeini's intimate advisor, Sadegh Ghothzadeh, was an affiliate of the French and Italian Communist Parties. Soon the Soviets were broadcasting pro-Khomeini propaganda into Iran, while they began publishing a well-funded revolutionary magazine entitled Navid, meaning "Good News." KGB agents working among the 4,000 Soviet personnel in Iran coordinated the protests and riots, and the Tudeh Party, acting on Soviet orders, openly backed the "Islamic" revolution and created a broad coalition of the Left to support Khomeini.7

Moscow also mobilized the PLO to back Khomeini. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, led by self-proclaimed Marxist Leninist George Habash, supplied training and weapons to the Feda'iyin-e Khalq, the Iranian Islamic-Marxist terrorist group that began the revolution to overthrow the Shah. Meanwhile, Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization trained and armed the Mujahedin-e Khalq, another main pillar of Khomeini's revolution, and it trained future members of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, including the Minister of the Guards later appointed by Khomeini.8

Once Khomeini seized power in Iran, Arafat brought a large delegation of PLO officials into the country, where "he was formally given the Israeli consulate building and, raising the Palestinian flag over it, opened the first PLO office, also appointing a PLO 'ambassador' to Iran."9 The Soviet Union and Communist China have since continued to arm Iran with weapons.

Khomeini immediately created Hezballah as an international terrorist wing of the PLO-trained Revolutionary Guards. Inside Iran, Hezbellah worked closely with Iranian Communist organizations in consolidating the regime's power. The terrorist training camps in Iran have been supervised by Mostafa Chamran Savehi, a follower of Trotskyite Communism who, as a student in Berkeley, California during the 1960s, founded such Islamic-Marxist groups as Red Shi'ism and the Muslim Students' Association of America. The instructors at the Iranian terrorist camps have been Communist experts from North Korea and Syria, as well as Iranians trained by the PLO and the Communist government of Iraq.10

The organizer of Hezballah in Pakistan and Lebanon, Abbas Zamani, was also trained by the PLO and has been identified as a probable agent of the KGB.11 In Lebanon, Hezballah's terrorist mastermind has been Immad Mugniyeh. For years Mugniyeh was a leading member of Yasser Arafat's Force 17, an arm of Fatah. When the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 forced the PLO to leave, Arafat had Mugniyeh and other members of Force 17 switch over to Hezballah, allowing these terrorists to remain in Lebanon. Mugniyeh quickly became the effective head of Hezballah, and has coordinated Hezballah-PLO terrorism to this day. On Arafat's orders, the PLO transfers weapons, money, and terrorist units to Hezballah, while Hezballah has provided intelligence and other logistical support to the PLO—including helping PLO units infiltrate into Lebanon.12

In short, the "Islamic fundamentalists" are not religious at all, but are Communist fronts adopting a Muslim mask.

The "schism" between the PLO and "Islamic fundamentalists" has been staged as a clever ploy to force Israel into surrender. Now that Israel is indeed yielding to its implacable Communist enemies, it is only natural that terrorist attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets are being accelerated worldwide. By blaming the attacks on "extremists" who allegedly oppose the "peace process," the PLO can disavow the terror acts in which it participates, and can maintain an image of moderation for the West. In the face of this intensified pressure, Israel is likely to make concessions even faster than before. Watch for Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to begin placing the remainder of the strategic West Bank, and even Jerusalem itself, on the bargaining table.

On the other hand, the financing and political pressure for the PLO takeover is coming almost entirely from the United States, and President Clinton is now accelerating the process. If Congress chose to stop the President, Israel could take back the West Bank and Gaza, and could soon destroy the PLO and its allies.

1 Parks, M., Los Angeles Times, "Rabin links Hezbollah to Argentine blast," SF Chronicle, 7-20-94, p. A10.
2 "Israeli embassy in London bombed," SF Chronicle, 7-27-94, pp. A1, A13.
3 Ibid.
4 Bar-Illan, D., "Israel's New Pollyannas," Commentary, Sept. 1993, p. 30.
5 Taheri, A., Holy Terror, Adler & Adler, Bethesda, MD, 1987, p. 163.
6 Ibid., p. 217.
7 Rees, J., "How Jimmy Carter betrayed the Shah," The Review of the News, 2-21-79, pp. 31-48.
8 Alexander, Y. and Sinai, J., Terrorism: The PLO Connection, Crane Russak, New York, 1989, pp. 72-73.
9 Ibid., p. 73.
10 Taheri, Op cit., pp. 77-79, 88-105.
11 Ibid., p. 177; Laffin, J., Holy War: Islam Fights, Grafton Books, London, 1988, p. 79.
12 Livingstone, N.C. and Halevy, D., Inside the PLO, William Morrow & Co., New York, 1990, pp. 267-275.

32 posted on 11/11/2004 3:31:27 PM PST by TapTheSource
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To: Zionist Conspirator; PeterFinn

More on Arafat the Communist.


Side B

When Karl Marx wrote his book, A World Without Jews, he permanently set the tone for Communist anti-Semitism. He called for "the emancipation of mankind from Judaism" and for the end of all religious faith.[59] V. I. Lenin applied this principle against the Jewish longing for Israel in 1903, declaring that "this Zionist idea is absolutely false and essentially reactionary."[60]

The Communist drive to abolish Judaism took on a special urgency after World War I, when Jewish settlement in Palestine began interfering with Communist plans for a socialist, pan-Arab government. Over the next few decades, the Communists instigated Arab riots against Jews and organized anti-Zionist movements.[61] These tactics failed, and the nation of Israel was reborn in 1948.

But in 1964 the Soviet KGB made a decision to escalate wars of national liberation around the world. Its spending on terrorism grew ten-fold, and training centers were set up throughout the Communist Bloc. In less than two years, Cuba hosted the Tricontinental Conference--a meeting of 513 representatives from 83 terrorist groups. The Cuban Communist regime thus became a coordinating center for this growing international terrorist network.[62]

Israel was vaulted to the top of the list of target countries. The pro-Soviet dictator of Egypt, Gamel Abdel Nasser, launched a new revolutionary group in 1964--the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).[63] Declaring the palestinian Arabs an "oppressed class" who needed to be "liberated" from Israeli rule, the PLO announced that it would destroy the nation of Israel altogether and replace it with a socialist government of Palestine.

From the beginning, the PLO has been a thoroughly Communist organization under the direct control of the Soviet KGB. Among its founding leaders was Ahmed Jibril, a Syrian army officer who founded the Palestinian Liberation Front in the 1950s. A self-proclaimed Marxist, Jibril was recruited into the KGB, trained in the Soviet Union, and supported by East Germany and Bulgaria as his group carried out bombings of airplanes, schoolbuses, and other Israeli targets. The PLO was organized around Jibril's group, and today he continues his terrorist attacks as head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine--General Command, one of the several groups under the PLO umbrella.[64]

George Habash, another PLO founder, is an open Marxist-Leninist who started the Arab Nationalist Movement in the 1950s that imposed a Communist regime in South Yemen. Supported by the Communist governments of Cuba, North Vietnam, and China, Habash has since founded the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, another PLO group.[65]

Abu Iyad also helped found the PLO, and has headed its Intelligence and Security Apparatus, making him the number two man in the organization. He has publicly admitted his allegiance to the teachings of Chinese dictator Mao Zedong and other leading Communists.[66]

But the most famous PLO figure is its leader, Yasir Ararat. As a student at Cairo University in 1952, he became head of the General Union of Palestine Students, and in 1956 represented that leftist organization at the Communist World Festival of Youth, held in Czechoslovakia.[67] Arafat has studied the works of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara, and when he visits Moscow he meets with top Soviet Communists.[68] He is the head of Fatah, the largest and most powerful group in the PLO.

The Revolutionary Palestinian Communist Party, directly funded by the Soviet Union, sits on the Executive Committee and all other ruling bodies of the PLO.[69] The Soviet Union lavishes the PLO with weapons ranging from machine guns to heavy artillery and tanks.[70] PLO terrorists are trained and recruited by the KGB in the Soviet Union and other Communist nations.[71] And, according to one PLO defector, all key PLO decisions are made only on Soviet approval.[72] As a result, the PLO has become the largest and most important terrorist group in existence. It has carried out bombings, hijackings, tortures, and assassinations against civilian targets on six continents. It has served as a conduit for weapons, training, and other support from the Communist Bloc to hundreds of terrorist groups worldwide.[73] And Yasir Arafat has openly called for terrorist attacks on the United States.[74] As already noted, one of the conspirators in the bombing of New York's World Trade Center was a PLO member.

The fact that the PLO is not merely an enemy of Israel, but is a cornerstone of the global Communist offensive, has been admitted by Arafat himself. For example, he has declared the United States, not Israel, to be the PLO's ultimate enemy.[75] .PLO official George Habash likewise revealed in a 1972 interview that "our enemy is not just Israel, period... We must recognize that our revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine. To be honest, what we want is a war like Vietnam's. We want another Vietnam, and not just in Palestine but throughout the Arab world."[76] On another occasion, Habash revealed the PLO goal more completely: "Palestine has joined the European Revolution; we have forged organic links with the revolution of the whole world."[77]

The Communists have already seized control of several nations of the Middle East since the 1950s, including Algeria, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, North and South Yemen, and Iraq, often referred to as the "radical Arab states." Each of these countries was conquered through some combination of military coup d'etat, revolution, and invasion. Although some of these governments do not call themselves "Communist," their leaders are all Marxist socialists whose militaries and secret police have been built, and are directly supervised, by the Soviet Union, and whose governments often include overt Communists at the highest levels.[78]

The PLO has become a new vehicle for supporting Communist revolutions almost anywhere. The so-called "Islamic" revolution of the Ayatollah Khomeini, for example, was organized by KGB agents and the Communist Party in Iran.[79] It was also backed by the PLO, which conducted terrorist attacks against Iran, trained Khomeini's followers in military and terror tactics, and provided a steady supply of guns.[80] Since coming to power, Khomeini's regime has been armed by the Soviet Union and Communist China.[81] Having delivered Iran to the Communists, the PLO announced that it would next turn its attention to Turkey. For years, the PLO had already been training and arming terrorists of the Turkish People's Liberation Army, creating anarchy in that nation. In 1980, PLO terrorists infiltrated Turkey, disguised themselves as Armenian and Kurdish people, and founded the Armenian Secret Army of Liberation and the Kurdistan Workers' Party.[82] These Communist groups are now stepping up the revolution in Turkey. The PLO has also helped the Communist takeovers in Lebanon, Nicaragua, and Angola, and has carried out or supported similar revolutions against Jordan, El Salvador, South Africa, and many other nations of Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.[83]

In recent years the PLO and its Communist bosses have created yet another international revolutionary movement: the network of terrorists known as "Islamic fundamentalists." Like their Liberation Theology counterparts in Christian churches, the muslim fundamentalist leaders are actually atheists and Marxist-Leninists disguised as religious fanatics. Indeed, they are opposed by the traditional muslim leaders for violating the precepts of Islam.[84] This radical movement, also known as "Islamic Marxism," originated in the Russian Bolshevik Party in the 1910s.[85] Since the 1970s, the Communist Parties of Afghanistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have officially promoted this new ideology.[86] To hide their Communist backing, however, pan-Islamic revolutionaries frequently pretend to be anti-Communist.

Several terrorist groups. have been founded on variations of "Islamic Marxism." In Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini revived Hezballah (the Party of G-d), which soon collaborated with Iranian Communists, Syria, Libya, and the PLO in extending terrorism beyond the borders of Iran.[87] When Hezballah established training camps, the instructors came from such Communist nations as North Korea and Syria, or were Iranians trained by the PLO or the Communist government of Iraq.[88] Abbas Zamani, who organized branches of Hezballah in Lebanon and Pakistan, was himsclf trained by the PLO and has been identified as a probable KGB agent.[89] The PLO has provided money, weapons, and intelligence to Hezballah, and has even placed Yasir Arafat's elite terrorist units under Hezballah command; Hezballah, in return, collaborates with the PLO.[90] In Lebanon, meanwhile, members of the Amal Militia have been trained in PLO camps, and the group has been financed by Syria, Libya, and Iran.[91] Islamic Jihad, the terrorist group involved in bombing the New York World Trade Center, is armed and coordinated by several top PLO commanders.[92] And in the West Bank and Gaza Strip of Israel, Hamas, meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement," receives aid from Iran as well as financing from the PLO on the personal orders of Arafat.[93]

As we can see, the PLO is truly the central organization in the world terrorist network. But now we must turn our attention to its role in the Communist war to destroy Israel.

36 posted on 11/11/2004 3:38:12 PM PST by TapTheSource
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