Agreed. But I am not sure how the Pope's comments praising Arafat further that objective. His comments only alienate many Jews, as well as many fundamentalists Christians who believe the rightful owners of the Holy Land are the jews and not Muslim terrorists.
Well whether or not the "rightful owners" of the Holy Land are in possession of it, that doesn't change the reality of the world. There is conflict. The Pope would rather see nations and men settle their differences without violence.
The Pope did not praise Arafat. That's what ABC said, and they are wrong. Read the Pope's words.
No Pope who has ever lived has given a snivelling $hit about what Fundamentalist chr*stians think. Catholics bash them every bit as much as do liberals and atheists (and leftist Jews).
Where was the Pope's voice during the past week when the liberal elite was excoriating "J*susland" and insisting that anyone who believes in the "virgin birth" is irrational (a perfectly logical conclusion from the Vatican's own position that anyone who believes in the literal truth of the "old testament" is irrational)? They were NOWHERE! They were out to lunch. They could care less what anyone calls (or does to) any "redneck."
Then they go and eulogize this murdering pig.
To be fair, I want to go on record that it was no less wrong for the President of the United States to meet with this %&*#@ a zillion times in the White House, but I naturally have hold the Vatican to higher standards than the Libido under whose rule we suffered from 1993 to 2001.