It was a wholly contrived political spectacle.
I have never heard of any politico slaughtering an animal for bald political gain.
Well, maybe the Romans did that.
Then there's Teddy Roosevelt...
I'm still shaking my head over Kerry's decision to do that. All he did was infuriate his base for zero gain - I can't imagine a single gun owner being fooled into thinking that Kerry was "pro-gun."
That Kerry didn't realize that this photo-op was such a loser is yet another reason why we are so fortunate that he didn't win.
Did Kerry have a Roman cleric read the poor bird's entrails to see how he would do in the election? If so, the reading had to be poor. By the way, who got to eat the bird or did they simply throw it away like they did the lunches they ordered but did not eat at Wendy's?