It cost about $7,500 per head to school a kid in California. Care to guess the average number of kids in an illegal's family, then multiply by that number. Explain how they could possibly pay enough property taxes to make it a break even deal.
"It cost about $7,500 per head to school a kid in California. Care to guess the average number of kids in an illegal's family, then multiply by that number."
I used to work on an account for a company, transcribing medical records for a hospital in Southern California. I typed many, many reports on illegals who received very expensive medical care at taxpayer expense. One example really stands out in my mind: The illegal woman was 25 years old and was in the hospital having her 10th baby. She had never been married and had come across the border with her parents when she was 14. She popped the first baby out at 15 and had been popping one out at an average of every 2 years for 10 years. You will note that she was only 25 when she had her 10th baby, so she had many years of childbearing ahead of her. Guess how she made her living? That's her babies - AFDC, Section 8 housing, food stamps, etc.
Let's see....10 x $7,500 = $75,000 per year just to educate her kids - not counting entitlement programs. Real bargain for the taxpayers, wasn't she?
Then you have a problem with poor people in general -- not with illegal immigrants for you could make the same argument for not educating poor people's children. Perhaps Jonathan Swift's modest proposal would be to your liking?