I drool with anticipation at the day when we can start impeaching these liberal fools.
On Rush Limbaugh's site:
The head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task force issued a statement yesterday saying that it's not fair or accurate to blame the homosexual agenda for the Democrats defeat at the polls. And he's exactly right. And I'll tell you what, if I were a gay activist or just, you know, a non-activist homosexual, member of the community, I would really resent being the focus of blame that the Democrats are trying to lay this loss off on. I really would. It would bother me to no end.
You know, this is a great example. The liberals and the Democrats all run around and love to say that gays are mistreated because of Republicans. And that the Republicans are homophobes and bigots and racists and sexists, extremists and mean and all this rot, and yet the Democrats lose an election and who do they point the finger at? Gays. It was gay marriage that did it. Now, they're trying to say it's the bigots and the sexists and the racists and the homophobes in the red states that -- I still can't get used to being red, you know, I associate that color with the Communists and the Soviets. But I'm a red state guy and they're trying to lay this off on us, but that's not what's happening. And this guy from the gay and lesbian task force, his name is Matt Foreman, has got it right. He knows the Democrats are laying it off on him, not themselves. He said, "It's not fair or accurate to blame the gay agenda for Democrats' defeat at the polls."
Read the rest of the article here:
Massachusetts gay activists -- and ardent Kerry supporters -- were caught on tape planning to teach grade school children about gay sex and "fisting." For a free copy of the audio tape, "Sexualization of Children," send e-mail request to: Tapes@massnews.com; or fax (781) 239-1193; telephone (781) 239-0264; or write: Tapes, Massachusetts News, P.O. Box 812844, Wellesley, MA 02482.