Wow! Even in an article demolishing the myth, the mythbuster perpetuates the myth. Barracks Oboomer is "good looking"???!!!
LOL. That's what I was thinking. We were watching the news the other night and my niece . . . she's eleven . . . said, "He looks like Diddy after being on crack for a month."
For those other old geezers who don't know who or what a Diddy is, I give you . . .
Evidently, although I was too embarrassed to ask, a "Diddy" is the same as a "Daddy" and in today's "with it" shorthand the "Puff" part is supposed to be understood.
Comprende now? Me neither but just nod your head, lower your shoulders, and strut like you've got a corncob up your patoot and an avocado trapped between your knees and eleven year-old nieces think you're cool.
I don't think he is at all good looking!!!!