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To: jb6

Thank you for your post, jb6. I have found on threads such as this that we could go back and forth, both of us searching for supporting documents, both current and historical, and still end up at square one.

I believe that we all share the same fears about terrorism, radical Islamists, and the future of our world. I would like to think we have learned from history and would not want to repeat our darkest days by making poor judgements.

I believe that the United States will suffer another terrorist attack and I fear it will be even worse than 9/11. What do you want us to do? Do you, yourself, believe that ALL Muslims are evil? Do you want them all wiped off the face of the earth? Would you like to see American Muslims interred in camps as we did with the Japanese, or maybe have them all deported? Should we allow hate crimes against our fellow Americans who are Muslims?

There are many questions like these that one must ask oneself as we all search for answers as to the best way to win this War on Terror. You said, "These so called ellusive "moderates" have failed to do a damn thing to really stop the radicals." Is that a true statement? The United States had also failed to do a damn thing to really stop the radicals, until George W. Bush became our President. And now moderate Muslims have joined the fight as well against these radicals. They began right after 9/11 and continue to this day. Not much is said in the MSM about their efforts, but these people have their lives at stake as well, and perhaps it would be wise to learn more about steps they are taking.

If you have time, please read these two articles:

ps: I don't believe what you said about the Germans was factual. Millions of Germans who rose up against Hitler were rounded up and sent to prisons. The minority of elitists smashed them like bugs. As you can imagine, the internet has pages and pages full of information about Nazi Germany. :)

218 posted on 11/10/2004 12:18:16 PM PST by Chena (George W. Bush understands what must be done...)
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To: Chena
I believe that the United States will suffer another terrorist attack and I fear it will be even worse than 9/11. What do you want us to do? Do you, yourself, believe that ALL Muslims are evil? Do you want them all wiped off the face of the earth? Would you like to see American Muslims interred in camps as we did with the Japanese, or maybe have them all deported? Should we allow hate crimes against our fellow Americans who are Muslims?

First, the Germans never rose up in anything like even one million. Yes, enemies were interened and killed and a cabal of officers attempted to do what most officers wanted, Hitler dead. But the public still sees those men as traitors to their honor to serve.

Are all muslims evil? No. Is islam the lowest of low, the wickedest of wickedness? No, Satanism is one step ahead, but other then that, islam is a violent, xeonophobic, war mongoring religion of hatred, distrust and envy, and those are easily recieved from the pervert Mo's own words and deeds and since Islam stands and falls on the actions of its one big prophet, Mo, it stands guilty as charged.

Yes I want with every ounce to see Islam erradicated off the face of this earth, my one great dream. The muslims should be converted, as a Christians I prefer to save their lives. Let each great faith cut out a swath of Islamic region and convert in mass.

Intern camps? They'll be begging for the camps to hide in as Joe America goes rampaging on the muslims in pay back. Mark my words, Cowboys and Muslims will be the game of the day should something like a small nuke or bio be released.

248 posted on 11/11/2004 6:22:07 AM PST by jb6 (Truth = Christ)
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