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To: Chena
Chena, the problem I have with saying we are only fighting a radical version of Islam, or a minority fundamentalist faction of Islam, or a hijacking of the peaceful religion of Islam, is this:

As much as I'd like for all the above to be true, Islam does indeed teach submission, the spread of Islam by force or coercion, the subjugation and conversion of the world eventually, with those who will not convert being slaves or dead. This is what Mohammad taught, this is what's in the Quran and the Hadiths.

To say all these people are "moderate Muslims" who abhor violence is partially true. They are only "moderate" in that they either do not fully know or believe the tenets of their faith. Or perhaps they are just milquetoast mosque-goers, like Baptists or Methodists that may show up at church but don't want to think about all that sin or Jesus stuff.

Being a moderate Muslim is sort of like being a moderate pit bull. Maybe they haven't bitten anyone yet. But I still don't want my kid to pet one. You never know when they'll become radical pit bulls. My apologies to pit bulls everywhere for the comparison.

212 posted on 11/10/2004 11:42:13 AM PST by Sender (*F*O*U*R*M*O*R*E*Y*E*A*R*S*!!!)
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To: Sender; All

Poor Pit Bulls....LOL
What specific plans would people, such as yourself, have regarding the best way to protect our country, ourselves, and indeed, the entire world from the evil we know as Islamic terrorism? Do you agree with Bush's assessment of the situation? I know that many Freepers consider themselves experts on the Constitution, so what is the concensus on our freedoms regarding religion and how that applies to Muslims?

226 posted on 11/10/2004 1:13:56 PM PST by Chena (George W. Bush understands what must be done...)
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