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To: jb6

"Ok, and this is bad how? Is it better to fight now while we can or to wait and be out bred later? Sooner or later the fight is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. The only question of note is: on our terms and time or their's?"

It is imperative that we "fight now while we can", on "our terms and time". Absolutely. You'll get no argument from me on that. I fully support this global War on Terror. What has concerned me are the voices of some on FR who can't seem to differentiate between the Muslim "extremists" who are waging this war and the Moderate Muslims. Moderate Muslims from across the globe, and Muslim Americans are also fighting right by our side, on the SAME side. I realize not all Freepers are filling thread after thread with words of hate for ALL Muslims, and Islam in general, but there are enough of them, and in my opinion, their words are shameful.

206 posted on 11/10/2004 10:02:18 AM PST by Chena
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To: Chena
Allow me to postulate this query: what was the difference in 1943 between the Nazie German and the none-Nazi German? Well the bomb and the bullet sure as hell didn't know, it killed them all just the same. Why? Because the majority of Germans who were not Nazies did not do anything to stop the minority that were, they all got to die in togather in orgies of blood and tears. That is the future of all islam. These so called ellusive "moderates" have failed to do a damn thing to really stop the radicals. Well soon and in some places already it is to late.

When the nuke goes off in the US or some biological, do you really think that Joe America is going to stop and ask the muslim at the local mosque "Are you radical or not?" before openning his belly up with a shotgun blast? I highly doubt it and I won't blame him for not pausing. Lie with lepers, stink like them too.

207 posted on 11/10/2004 10:52:36 AM PST by jb6 (Truth = Christ)
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To: Chena
In India a couple of Muslim neighborhoods were burnt with the Muslims still there. Was that right? No. Was it understandable in light that these Muslims harbored the men who burnt down a Hindu packed train? Yes.

and Muslim Americans are also fighting right by our side, on the SAME side.

You mean like the former US egyptian sergeant who helped bomb US embassies in Africa? Like the muslim specialist who lobbed grenades into his commanders' tents and openned fire on them? Like the marine who went AWOL? Like the Chaplin and interpreters who turned out to be spies for Syria and Al Quida?

No thanks, give me men who put their country before some Imam's wicked words.

209 posted on 11/10/2004 11:04:31 AM PST by jb6 (Truth = Christ)
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