Ah, so you won't let this go. Alright.
Christmas is YOUR holiday, too. Your tax dollars support the government that made this the sole Holy Day to be honored as a Holiday, and federal workers get the day off with pay...so you pay for that too. It, therefore, MOST DEFINITELY, is YOUR Holiday, too. It may not be your Holy Day, but IT IS your HOLIDAY.
And so, the sons pay for the sins of the fathers? That certainly is an enlightened point of view. I don't accept that. Forcible conversion is meaningless and wrong. If you don't believe it in your heart, then you haven't abandoned the former faith or accepted the new.
I will tell you this. At first I found your attitude kinda playful. I like a good political debate. And I sense that you a religious (perhaps Orthodox) Jew. I very much respect that. But as this string has developed you have shown your utter contempt for Christianity and the great majority of the people in this country that practice it.
If I were one of the small percentage of Christians living in Israel I would fully accept the fact that the majority is entitled to imbue society with their religious and cultural values. And if someone were to wish me a Happy Passover or Rosh Hashanah I would simply say "thank you, and I wish the same for you." I wouldn't get on my high horse and say "no thanks, I don't celebrate Passover." And if someone were to throw a feast in honor of one of these holy days I certainly wouldn't be offended by the use of the actual name of the holy day for which the event is being conducted. I wouldn't insist that a Rosh Hashanah feast be entitled a "Holiday" feast.
I recently worked in an office of 40 people. There were no Jews among that number. Yet, we were forbidden to have "Christmas" parties. It had to be "Holiday" parties. Where did that change come from? Did Catholics press for the changes? Mormons? Presbyterians? I think we both know that the changes were wrought by secularists, athesists, and non-religious, militant, anti-Christian Jews. In a free society, people can lobby for whatever cause they like. But just as I would NEVER think to try to dilute the religious feestivals, traditions, and cultures of Jews if I were a Christian living in Israel, I don't understand why some Jews in the U.S. (the non-religious, secular jews, in particular) insist on doing that to the Christian majority here.
I have no contempt for Christians. The ones I count among my friends do not have your "you will accept and respect and honor our holidays" attitude though.