To: Tailgunner Joe
While many of our Founding Fathers were Christian, there were an equal number of those that were Freemasons and merely Deists.
This nations certainly is a nation founded upon a belief in the Almighty, but not necessarily upon the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord. As Christians, at the political level we need to be careful not to impose our interpretation of who God is upon other God-fearing Americans.
2 posted on
11/08/2004 11:20:43 AM PST by
To: Tailgunner Joe
3 posted on
11/08/2004 11:21:03 AM PST by
(SeeBS - Fake, but Accurate - Exploring Americas Urban Legends.....From an Ant-Bush Perspective)
To: Tailgunner Joe
I'd love to see a national :60 commercial that simply scrolled these quotes and then ended with, "There is no separation of church and state in the United States constitution. Look for yourself."
5 posted on
11/08/2004 11:38:16 AM PST by
(Americans should not be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.)
To: Tailgunner Joe
Those guys were all red state religious fanatics.
I have some of those quotes, and others, on my home page. Good work, Joe.
11 posted on
11/08/2004 12:40:12 PM PST by
Choose Ye This Day
(The Hubris of the DUmb: "It's our dawn, and the freepers' sunset." ........BWAHAHAHAHA!!!)
To: Tailgunner Joe
Excellent quotes.
Thanks for posting.
12 posted on
11/09/2004 6:29:55 AM PST by
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