He's frantically googling trying to find out which branch of the Armed Forces commissions it's warrants. I have to admit, I find it regretable that the Air Force has fallen on such hard times as to make him "airman" material.
We won the damn election, but here they come, knives bared, looking to punish instead of participate.
The AF doesn't have W-Os because we decided some time ago we would rather build a higher-quality NCO corps.
You know damn well that a commission for a W-O isn't the same thing as an officer's commission.
Yes, the Air Force is on real tough times; that's why we have to cut 12,000 airman from our service and starting in January the Air Force will only be accepting recruits for critically-manned AFSCs.
It's the Army with the 20,000-man shortfall. It's the Army that has to rely on the so far wildly-unsuccessful "Blue to Green" program for Airmen to join the Army.