A cool, calm, collected look at the electoral map indicates (to me) the following:
- There is not a single blue state that Hillary would lose in 2008. PA?-I don't think so. WI?-Nope. MN?-nada. MI?-gimme a break. NH?-too many MA transplants.
- Therefore, all she he to do is pick up OH (probably not) or FL (not if Jeb runs, but pretty likely otherwise, especially if Obama is the VP).
- The combo of NM, IA, and NV would lead to an Electoral College tie. I don't know how it would be broken when there's not an incumbent. Insights would be helpful.
We'd better enjoy the next four years and get a lot done, because it REALLY doesn't look good in '08. We have to hope Hillary goes off her rocker in the primaries (doubtful-she's the most stage-managed candidate in history).
Given her negative statements on the Electoral College in the past, it would be the irony of ironies, but VERY VERY possible that Hillary could lose the popular vote by millions and still be elected.
Maybe if she ran against Buchannan or Keyes and Tammy Faye.
But she couldn't beat someone like Giuliani in NY, CA, Texas OR Florida. That run would turn off the religious right for sure, but she could NOT take those states from Giuliani. A Giulianni ticket with a conservative Frist as VP -- we'll see ya Hill. Buh-bye. And the "evangelicals" (gross, hate the term -- I prefer "Christians") could bide their time knowing Giuliani might be prochoice but would NEVER select a prochoice judge. Let's be reasonable here.