I was freakin' too. Not as bad as one of my co-workers though. I came real close last night of having a long talk with two of my friends: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.
I couldn't watch the TV election news. I went to a strip joint, had a couple beers, and tried not to look at the TV sets at this place. I accidentally saw the Red/Blue state map on one TV set around 10 PM mountain time and I could see Ohio and Florida had gone for Bush. But I misread the map and thought Pennsylvania had also gone for Bush. I felt a lot better but still couldn't watch the news coverage--didn't want to know any details until it was all over. Finally I went home and turned on the TV at 1 AM mountain time to find this Ohio "controversy" unfolding and the networks refusing to call Nevada for Bush with 100% of vote counted. Then fired off an email to NBC about Nevada, got the details on Ohio and went to bed. I can't watch live coverage of something that matters so much as it's unfolding when I can't control it. Now Kerry is sticking it to American AGAIN! He's making us all wait until King John feels like conceding. Hey you lost, you f###ing dirtbag Kerry.