Well, this makes sense to me. We in the Red states are more patriotic, less "sensitive" and better armed than leftie types on either coast.
Attack us and the (temporary) distraction will leave the coasts wide open. It's not like a "No Terrorism" sign is going to work in San Fransicisco Bay.
However, there are a lot of us and we work very quickly. We won't need a focus group to tell us how to respond to an attack.
Uh, if OBL is serious about this threat then why did he attack NY and DC, both "Blue" states?
Show the World! Vote for strength and integrity...VOTE FOR PRESIDENT BUSH!
America does not get told what to do by a slimeball like you Usama!
Can someone post the article they have in cache? NY Post seems to be down.
I don't think he'd dare. He's a dead man walking anyway.
FOX has been all over this issue all morning.
This is why politics used to stop at the water's edge....this is what Kerry and his crowd have sown. Imagine if Hirohito and Hitler tried to use this tactic in 1940.
This is why politics used to stop at the water's edge....this is what Kerry and his crowd have sown. Imagine if Hirohito and Hitler tried to use this tactic in 1940.
UBL is simply messing with us. All of us "American infidels" know that whether Kerry or Bush is Pres. they will attack us anyways. This way, when an attack does happen in a blue state, he can say "see, I told you what happens, yada, yada, yada."
This probably will have an effect, but it seems to me they are planning more timed terrorist attack(s) for maximum fear factor for a week after election. It will certainly make a lot of voters think of this and wonder "if I had only voted this way". It is no surprise to me that our freedom to vote is being messed with by Al Queda. Anything we hold dear that we think of in America as being "free" whether it is freedom of speech, financial freedom or mobility has been attacked.
We must stay the course on fighting terrorism no matter who wins the election. As much as I dislike flip-flopping Kerry, he did vote for troops deployments in Afghanistan and Iraqi meaning he UBL knows he gets no quarter no at this stage no matter who is Pres. It is truly a war and we also have received no quarter, why the people of the United States should even consider UBL's statement is downright shameful. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor we they got no quarter. After UBL did 9/11 he gets no quarter.
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and MURDERERS, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: which is the second death." Revelation 21:8
That's what you and all of your wonderful followers have to look forward to
If Osama targets the red states as enemies, he will be shooting lots of cows. That will ensure bringing PETA into the fray.
Hey Osama...
Bite Me! Ain't skeered.
From Georgia, Deep in the heart of Bush country.
Just what is some moron with a diaper on his head gonna' do?
Piss off Osama!
Hey 'Sami!
You old fool, you.
The Red States are the ones with the most armed citizens! Lotsa gun owners here.
Come on down here, boy!
The I guess the only patriotic thing for Kerry to do is resign from the race and tell hadn'tbenlaidenlately to shove it.