My 93 year old mother is in poor health and has been housebound for the past few years. She was registered as a Democrat the last time she voted, but she has moved here from FL since then. After Kerry was nominated she had me register her by mail as a Republican, and I also requested a mail-in ballot for her.
Last week she cast her first vote since 1984, and it was a straight Republican ballot. I guess that after 44 years of me trying to convince her that the Democrat party is no longer the party of Truman and FDR my legendary powers of persuasion finally won her over.
Or maybe it was because she thinks Kerry is a dorky looking Frenchman, and I haven't quite gotten around to telling her the truth yet. The truth about Kerry not being French I mean, she's right about him looking like a dork. Especially when he wears camo hunting garb and totes a shotgun, a gun which I'm sure he hates and would love to wrap around the nearest tree if no photographer was around.
My mother will be 97 come December 1. She has never voted Republican, never. This year she voted Bush on her absentee ballot. I know because I signed as a witness for her. All of my immediate family voted for Gore last time. This year they voted for Bush.
actually he has French relations...I think he has a cousin that is a mayor in some French town. When he was going to boarding school he would vacation in France...his growing up years were spent in Europe...that's where he gets his attitude.