He won't be asked this question, nor would he answer it if asked.
There are several mere questions that the very asking of would sink Kerry.
This convinces me that every Republican who is invited on the Sunday Morning talk shows is an absolute rat-in-the-bag because any one of them could say: "Hey Russert, why hasn't anyone asked John Kerry if he was honorably discharged from the Navy in 1972?"
Any real conservative would steal the airwaves and awaken the public, so the very appearance of a conservative that shows up on one of these MSM shows outs them as a rat.
Some baseball pitcher said "vote Bush" the other day and it was absolute trauma to the liberals so much so that they didn't even know how to react to it except to call it "divisive". They need and they have complete control of everything that can influence thought. ( cept that information that can be heard or read on the internet and radio ).
But FREEPERS could still scream it in press's hearing and at any town hall meetings and have big signs of it on the routes near any media.